Timothy Plinsky Petroleum Properties

Bidding Services

Forms Required (Downloading Instructions)

The Oil & Gas Asset Clearing House

E-mail Tim

Timothy Plinsky Petroleum Properties
2914 West H Street
Jenks, OK 74037
Phone: 918-298-7717
Fax: 918-298-7719
Mobile: 918-269-4706


Timothy Plinsky Petroleum Properties specializes in representing clients at auctions for oil & gas properties. Services are rendered on a fee basis rather than a percentage basis. Our reputation is untarnished and we pride ourselves on dealing honestly and forthrightly with all our clients.

Downloading Instructions:

On a PC, right click once on the link and select "Save Target As". You will then be given the option of selecting where you would
the file to be saved. Double clicking the file will open the file in your browser.

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